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Unit: DXFConv


This class defines cell style of the ACAD_TABLE object.


TsgAcadTableCellStyle = class(TPersistent)


AcadTableStyleThe property gets a style of the ACAD_TABLE object.
BkColorOnThe property gets or sets a flag for whether background color is enabled.
BorderColorThe property gets or sets a color value associated with each border type of the cell.
BorderCountThe property gets border count.
BorderLineWeightThe property gets or sets a lineweight associated with each border type of the cell.
BorderVisibleThe property gets a flag for the visibility of the cell border.
CellAlignmentThe property gets or sets a cell alignment value.
CellTypeThe property gets or sets a cell type.
DataTypeThe property gets or sets a standard/title/header row data type.
FillColorThe property gets or sets a value for the background (fill) color of cell content.
TextColorThe property gets or sets a value for the color of cell content.
TextHeightThe property gets or sets a text height.
TextStyleThe property gets or sets a text style.
UnitTypeThe property gets or sets a standard/title/header row unit type.


AssignThe method assigns the properties of another TsgAcadTableCellStyle class instance (passed as a parameter) to a given TsgAcadTableCellStyle.
CreateInitializes a new instance of the TsgAcadTableCellStyle class.
DestroyDestroys an instance of the TsgAcadTableCellStyle class.